Deregulation is a system of labeling and tracking of medicines

Project problem:
The project needed to be done very quickly (in time to use the budget allocated for this project at the end of the year) and qualitatively, because the project was, among other things, to increase the credibility of a government organization. The task sounded like this: "I want a button that, when pressed, would stop the movement and sale of medicines".
In addition, it was necessary to maintain European standards, interoperability in terms of transparency and logistics. There was also a focus on a similar solution in the Turkish market, where any company has access to the location of any drug in real time, volumes, deadlines, and expiration dates.
Particularly to combat abusers, because Ukrainian counterfeiting is also a problem.
At first a brief ToR was written, according to which it was only possible to create a quick application in "Apprentice". It took a couple of months to create a prototype application that implements a business process. The application simulated the generation, scanning and printing of the 2D matrix codes, also controlling the turnover (a "stop" button selling the goods).
Developed a large database, analytical tools, simple business logic. Namely, the standards of the labeling system (matrix two-dimensional code).
In the code, there were data on packaging: container, box, crate, container, package, packet, etc.. The codes were issued according to the algorithm and printed on the package.
When you access the database, you can get an unambiguous answer as to what is scanned and where that item is located.
Technology stack, engine:
Result of first 2 months:
Application prototype creation, without spending time on UI/UX front-end development, because the "Apprentice" interface looks better than the majority of Ukrainian government application interfaces. At the same time, the basic logic and basic data structure were implemented.
Result of the second year:
Connection of accounting systems of representatives of importers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers (pharmacies, hospitals).
Specifically, the business process: Manufacturer produced, requested codes, put on boxes; imported, requested codes, put on packages; distributors scanned codes and gave retailer what was where; retailer bought and reported where the drugs went; cash register scanned, determining when it was bought or written off to patients in hospital departments.
A system that did not result in higher drug prices, which was the original goal. Quick and efficient use of public money.
Project timeline, labor costs:
- 2 months for prototyping with work simulation;
- 1 year for project development.
Анализ крупной системы с монолитным ядром с дальнейшим переходом на микросервисную архитектуру
19 projects on Ulmart cybermarket development from 2012 to 2016, the leader of Russian e-commerce, including all cybermarket services.