Automated system of training and staff development Kazakhstan Railways

Project challenges:
- the company lacked a system that would allow it to raise the qualifications of its employees, and to monitor and control this training;
- the company has over 120,000 employees and there was no clear understanding of who was competent and who was not. The system would have allowed to take this staff under control, and to reduce the payroll by keeping more qualified specialists, and optimizing part of the team that does not meet the requirements of the company;
- there were tasks of regular training of employees.
KR is the largest regional enterprise in Kazakhstan. The purpose of implementing the platform is to monitor the qualification level of all personnel, to teach the courses required for advanced training, and to manage personnel using the electronic employee passport (EEP).
We have developed and implemented an Automated Learning Control System and Electronic Employee Passport, integrated with accounting systems and with the main training system. Which allow: to assign courses automatically and according to individual plans, to control learning, to create reports, to store personal data of employees, education level, certificates, indicators, etc.
LMS is integrated with 1C and SAP systems of the customer.
Technology stack, engine:
The ASKO module is an Apprentice platform, the EEP module is Python, and the front end is React.js.
- full control over the level and qualifications of employees;
- optimization of the personnel budget in the amount of 12,000,000 rubles per year.
Project timeline, labor costs:
12 months.
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Программный комплекс для управления данными объектов сети в целях повышения эффективности и роста управляемости процессов для телекоммуникационной компании