Personal office for the insurance company

Project problem:
- Insurance policies were written out by hand and stored as pdf/word files on disk;
- They could have been written out by any agent, also written out retroactively or forged;
- Such ready-made systems from well-known integrators cost tens of thousands of dollars.
Standard business processes for insurance companies are implemented: creation of an insurance policy, entry of client data and characteristics, storage of policies in a single database with end-to-end accounting. It is impossible to change the policy retroactively, only to view and create a new one based on it. But there is a process of policy closing. Support of integration with MS Office and bilingualism (Russian and Ukrainian agents). And also monthly support of the system, because the legislation is constantly changing the templates of policy forms. In the process of support, the developers came up with the idea of sawing a template of documents into parts, when changing them.
Technology stack, engine:
Apprentice, integration with MS Office.
Developed a product with minimal cost, which is 10 times less than competitors with ready-made solutions for insurance companies that are on the market, and 95% of the functionality is not needed;
Accessibility of the application from anywhere in the world;
Smooth restructuring of the company, which increased income.
Project timeline, labor costs:
12 months + support;
5+ million rubles.