Electronic trading platform REC-Market

Project problem:
- a limitation of the project at Stage 1 was the very tight deadline for launching the REC-Market MVP into production (2 months after the start of work). There were no terms of reference;
- change of team, including DM (general director, IT director) at the customer in the 2nd stage, led to the need for serious modification of the architecture of the previously implemented part of the solution and the delay in the provision of servers on the customer's network.
Stage 1. MVP development
Using existing experience with the marketplace, as well as an in-house developed product "Apprentice", the Digital Zone team within the specified time frame (2 months from the start of Phase 1): the design was drawn, implemented and put into production an MVP version of the "REC-Market" marketplace, including a personal account administrator, a seller's personal account and three segments of product offers in the catalog of Russian and English languages.
Stage 2. Development of functionality
Concurrently with the plan of functionality enhancement (6 new segments in the Catalog, Chinese language, Personal Cabinet of the Customer, etc.) Digital Zone conducted additional work due to the change of key players in the customer's team and changes in business priorities and IT strategy of the customer, namely:
- in order to be able to include REC-Market updates in the releases of the main site, the REC-Market frontend had to be transferred from the Single Page Application (SPA) to CMS 1C Bitrix;
- a technological middle layer in the form of a java connector between the frontend and backend parts of the marketplace was implemented;
- due to the provision of servers by the customer only by the end of Phase 2 of the project, Digital Zone developers needed significant modifications to the final solution of REC-Market to be able to implement it into the REC infrastructure.
Technology stack, engine:
Apprentice, java, CMS 1C Bitrix, php, html, js, css.
Project timeline, labor costs:
1 Stage. MVP development - duration 2 months.
- Spent a total of: 1460 hours (including overtime);
- in the team from DZ: 6 to 10 people worked simultaneously, including an analyst, team leader, frontend and backend developers, tester, designer, usability specialist, system administrator, and project manager;
- in the team from the customer: the project manager and the functional customer.
Stage 2. Development of functionality - duration 7 months.
- total hours spent: 4,650 hours;
- DZ team: from 7 to 13 people worked simultaneously, including an analyst, team leader, frontend and backend developers, tester, designer, usability specialist, system administrator, and project manager;
- in the team from the customer: the project manager, functional customers and DevOPS.
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The system of marking and tracking of medicines for the State Service for Control of Drugs turnover of Ukraine.