Development of the Logistics Management System for the Olympics

Project problem:
The Sochi 2014 Olympics is a federal project that required coordinated work of many companies from different industries. The task set for logistics and IT companies is to provide the Olympics venues with goods and cargo in a timely manner and within the prescribed time frame.
It is necessary to:
- provide freight transport with a system that makes it possible to find the optimal route for delivering goods to the Olympic infrastructure facilities, taking into account the dynamics of traffic and congestion in the city;
- ensure maximum loading of freight vehicles with minimization of idle vehicles in queues for loading and unloading.
The automated control system of the Logistics Transport Center in Sochi (MDS ACS Sochi) was created as a client-server application using GLONASS geoinformation technology.
The LTC ACS makes it possible to plan deliveries based on available time slots and to geomonitor vehicles.
The following functionality has been implemented as part of the project:
- order management: creating and editing orders for delivery and work, vehicle orders;
- planning and reporting: formation, coordination and control of the RLD;
- administration: user rights management, entering and editing of reference information;
- monitoring of vehicles: control of vehicles, fixing the facts of the delivery order (based on navigation data);
- integration and data exchange: ensuring interaction when exchanging data from external systems into the LTC ACS;
- web access: providing access to the functions of the LTC ACS via http/https protocol using standard web browsers (Internet Explorer, Opera, Chrome, Firefox);
- database: management of the database storing all information of the LTC ACS.
Technology stack, engine:
Java EE, Spring.
- reducing the risk of transport downtime, failure of delivery dates;
- the possibility of more precise planning of cargo handling due to timely information about the time of its delivery.
Project timeline, labor costs:
- project duration 8 months;
- 80 man-months of development;
- cost 10+ million rubles.
Анализ крупной системы с монолитным ядром с дальнейшим переходом на микросервисную архитектуру
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