CRM for the Public Opinion Foundation

CRM for the Public Opinion Foundation
  • Foundation Public Opinion

    The organization conducting sociological research, the main customer and consumer of the results of the Foundation's research is the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.


Project problem:

I wanted to maintain a system of commitments to POF clients. At the same time, the goal was to create a tool quickly and inexpensively.

POF for a long time chose CRM on the market, but chose Apprentice, because they did not need a large system, as well as users were not ready for global automation.


POF conducts social research for large and governmental organizations.

Automated a file cabinet of clients, interests, results and commitments to clients.

Bringing together all the data in the CRM system from various documents, notebooks.

The card looks like any modern PIM (Personal information manager) plus, birthdays, family members, related holidays, what research was ordered, in what publications and customer statuses. There is also integration with the calendar.

The system also recorded all the products created for clients, trying to offer them to other clients.

Technology stack, engine:




Project timeline, labor costs:

  • 2 months;
  • 1+ million rubles.