мая 31, 2010

Дмитрий Завалишин на семинаре «American and Russian Internet Start Ups»

Дмитрий Завалишин на семинаре «American and Russian Internet Start Ups»

Дмитрий Завалишин выступил с рассказом о венчурных проектах.

Семинар организован компанией «Роснано» и American Councils for International Education.

«On behalf of the entire FLEX community I want to thank you for hosting the „American and Russian Internet Start Ups“ meeting at ROSNANO on Monday evening and for inviting Dmitry Zavalishin to speak to the group. The feedback we received from the alumni who attended has been very positive! Without a doubt Dmitry Zavalishin’s contribution was huge! I think we could have easily listened to him for another hour or two», - Mary Shea, FLEX Eurasia Alumni Manager

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